
The week of March 11-15, 2024 has been proclaimed School Board Appreciation

Week in Georgia. The observance calls attention to the contributions of local boards of


Superintendent Albritton commented, “Citizens elect board members to

represent the community’s voice on education matters and to set the vision for the

school district. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our board for their unwavering

commitment to public education and ongoing dedication to the children of our district.”

The men and women serving our district and their years of service are:

  • Mary Bentley – 12th year

  • Greg Brown – 8th year

  • Glenda Latimore – 8th year

  • Wayne McInvale – 4th year

  • Wes Summers – 4th year

As constitutional officers of Georgia, school board members are responsible for

setting educational policies, employing school personnel, providing buildings and

equipment, operating a transportation system and disbursing school funds. As

community leaders, school board members serve as advocates for the children in local

public schools and must study, evaluate, and decide what actions are in the best interest

of those students.

The Georgia School Boards Association (GSBA) sponsors the celebration. The

mission of GSBA is to ensure excellence in the governance of local school systems by

providing leadership, advocacy and services and by representing the collective resolve of

Georgia’s 180 elected boards of education. Please visit for more
